There is no doubt that primary or secondary pleuric neoplasias are amongst the easiest to treat with the therapy method I propose, as I have observed in almost all the cases the complete regression of the disease unless in the presence of a previous pleurodesys intervention.
Method: after the positioning of an endopleuric catheter with the ecographic guide and after the drainage of the existing liquid administer 150-200 cm3 in the cavity for three consecutive days, then on alternative days for 12 days.
Administer 100-150 cm3 from the 15th to the 30th day, and drain after one hour – this to be performed one day on and two off.
Normally, after the fourth-fifth day, the hemothorax – if it was present – disappears, and after 10-15 days (except in some rare cases) it is no longer necessary to aspirate liquids, as the pleura has gone back to normal.
Much attention must be paid to the medication of the gauzes and of the catheter, as both can become very dangerous sources of infection and of pleuric empyema – an event that can also occur in cases where too elevated dosages of salts are administered.